Four power plants in the human body

Greetings, this is Sanjaya JSM today’s topic will be: „4 power plants in the human body.”


            Everything here is logical and everything is connected with each other. Just like outside, in this world, similar things are happening in our body.
 It’s tragicomic that many people believe in this lunacy, in such nonsense called Darwinism, that this evolutionism, that this is how everything arranged itself, you can’t see it at all. And you can see the opposite, that everything here is logical, even lies, nonsense serve something and is logical. The second Law of Logos says, this is the Law of Conformity, that: „as above so below”. The point is that this organism of ours and this whole big organism in which we live are subject to the same laws. Here is such an interesting fact about our body, here Miłar inspired me, he noted that we have power plants similar to the way there are power plants here on earth, power plant: nuclear, water, air.  I modified it a bit, arranged it, and I will discuss it in detail. Also a plus for Miłar that he showed intelligence, but, if anything, that’s my school.

So yes, going from the top, the head, this is our solar, here is energy from light, the skin too, but mainly through the eyes.
 And what the System here suggests lubricating with some sunscreen creams, because the sun is bad and glasses also with filters. I don’t like glasses. I didn’t even know how sunglasses harm, and I already didn’t like these glasses.

 Here we have a wind turbine (lungs), the air here works, we know what’s going on. Here lower in the stomach the third level from the bottom, I mean counting from the top, then, what do we have here? 2 power plants: hydroelectric power plants and coal-fired power plants.
 Hydroelectric, because this is where the water is, and most we digest carbohydrates or hydrocarbons, carbon and water are here (stomach). 
And we still have, but this only applies to the male forms, we still have a very important, valuable, probably one of the most valuable power plants, this is the nuclear power plant, because we as male forms have testicles. The nuclear power plant is the most destroyed here, and this destruction of the nuclear power plant is called here that it is love. Graveyarders womens are programmed to destroy male forms, then this is given the form that this is love and by various techniques: manual, oral, vaginal, rectal, nuclear power plants are destroyed here and what follows? Leakage! And if there is a leak, there is contamination of the area, just like here we sometimes hear that there was an earthquake or something, or some kind of accident was a nuclear power plant and there was a leak, contamination.

Cemetery people in general have no purpose in life they do not understand, in fact they hardly understand anything, they only understand where the fun is.
Hardly anyone knows this, it’s a secret knowledge that we got these bodies of ours from someone. We don’t own them, we just rent them. Archons, or other spirits, when they see that someone uses this body unworthily, that is, for example, as most people do: entertainment to tear themselves apart, then in the next life they no longer get a human body. This body, as the only one of these animal bodies, because it is an animal body, has the possibility of conscious development, conscious evolution.

            Our nuclear power plant produces energy for life, this is the energy of life, this is the energy of fertility, and it can be used according to the Law of Three.

From below, destructive energy, is sex, that is, the production of demons, entertainment. This energy, if used, is always fertile, only, if it is used for unworthy purposes, entertainment, it produces demons. Then these demons go after these graveyards, press them on the mind to continue this sex, because these demons need to be fed, these are their children. Even if someone gets the knowledge from us that sex is no good, that it’s a graveyard pillar, that it’s the gate of hell, that it’s getting rid of a very large amount of important energy. It’s not like a snap and he has a nice life, these demons still drag on for many years, because these are children and you have to pay child support for such brats.

On the second level is the sustaining energy, that is, the begetting of children, and these children can also be begotten at different levels, at this higher and lower level. Down here, it is suppose a hole in the condom or too early ejaculation and there is a „mishap.”

Higher up, this is the culture of conception, something that has been completely forgotten here. Here, when it comes to the transmission of life, it’s just the bottom. This kind of so-called daddy didn’t put on a condom, he deflated inside, gave a larvae and he is a great father. Then there will be this maggot or this brat born and he the great father. Most often on that day when he finds out that the birth has already taken place, he drinks alcohol.

The vast majority of women 99% give birth in hospitals. Hospitals, or delivery rooms, used to be only for prostitutes and everything is in its place.

I have such a feral cat on the garden, she gave birth to kittens by herself, these kittens are healthy, they run around my outhouse there. She didn’t go to any feline gynecologist to poke her reproductive organs there. Those kittens that were born did not get some toxic vaccines, to the kennel they will not have to go either. The mother will teach them what they need for cat life, and that’s how it used to be. It was the parents who passed on to the children the most important things that are necessary for life, not such nonsense, schools, television, also this is one big downfall of this syphilization.
 Let’s go back to our power plants. We have 4 power plants and they produce the energy of life, and in order for us to have good health all the power plants must work well.
One produces a little different energy, the other
produces a little different
 energy. Only, it all together creates the synergistic energy of life.
There are many graveyarders who got very strong genes, they just happened to be so lucky, and despite the cemetery pillars they still have pretty good health, but that’s only until some short time. They are athletes, and they have the second pillar, sometimes they still have the first pillar, they still have the third pillar, but it can’t last too long.

I can boast that this body at the beginning when I got it, it was called Sławek Jaraszek, it was physically weak and intellectually weak. The fact that I tuned it, cleaned it, reprogrammed it and reprograms it all the time, it’s already my body, it’s not automatic. A lot of my colleagues, it’s already smelling the flowers from underneath. And when we were in high school, how strong they were compared to me, how healthy they were, and quickly the body took off. The body should be respected, it is our tool, thanks to this body in this world we can function.
And the graveyarders, those bodies they got think they got some kind of gift and one should only take pleasure in it. And the pleasure is felt most when destroying a nuclear reactor or inducing an orgasm.

Orgasm, this is the energy that is supposed to be transferred to conceive a child, for the child, so that this child is strong. Such a graveyard woman who orgasms there with a thousand or two thousand times, and then there if some sperm gets and she is impregnated, what will she give birth to? A sick bastard, there will be a punishment and that’s what the punishments are for and then on the Internet such graveyard parents cry that they need a hundred thousand, half a million, a million, because there is some Chris and the medical mafia promised if they cut him there, then Chris will be healthy, this is fraud. If the child didn’t get the right amount of energy, because in order for there to be a child, there must be a healthy mother, a healthy father, and here such a degenerate, and they take it upon themselves to transmit life.

In the animal world there are safeguards, there is instinct and they are guided by instinct, it is such a mechanical reason. No female will allow a sickly, miserable male and, conversely, no healthy male will take care of a sickly, miserable female. But here it is just that, what is here is a graveyard bottom and four meters of muck, it is below animals. The punishment is already in their lifetime, they get sick, they quarrel, they are sad, just go out on the street and see what they look like.

So let’s take care of our power plants, because the more energy we have, the better our quality of life will be. The biggest impact we have is on the nuclear power plant, so that there we don’t let some graveyarder women do something, tamper with something, because there will be damage right away, which means it should be chased away, because it’s a whoredom.

The biggest influence we have is on what we put in our stomachs, that is, on the hydro-carbon power plant, that is, what we eat, and this is very important, because, on air quality we have less influence. Here various saps spray us, but you can, for example, buy yourself a good filter for the house, air purifiers, humidifiers, some oils and already for this power plant we have better air quality.
 And also such an interesting fact I noticed, how everything is connected to everything. There are 4 elements, the elements are something that creates life. The earth has such a basic characteristic, it is constancy. There is also water, air and fire. Fire is the most important here, it is such a dominant element, but all of them are important to be in the right proportion, then it gives life. If there is too much of anything, it starts to spoil. There is earth, on earth we have a lake, earth water. What is above the water? Air, what is above air? The sun, fire and it goes with these 4 elements. In the same way, in our body, we have: fire, air, water, and the legs are earth, because that’s what we stand and walk on.

            All devices, even the most mechanical ones need power, they need energy. They have some kind of batteries, rechargeable batteries, then it gets discharged, you have to give new batteries or recharge, the same with us. We recharge ourselves the most through eating, breathing, light and so on. We recharge the most during the night, because the night, it’s power, and during the day it’s this energy that is used up for action, so it’s very important to make sure you get enough sleep.
And what do graveyarders do just before bedtime? Second pillar, destroying the reactor, humiliating themselves, getting rid of a lot of vital energy, feeding some demons, then they walk around so tired. There is even such a disease, chronic fatigue syndrome. They take some supplements for it, it doesn’t work. The most important thing, these are the big things, to get enough sleep, but to get a good night’s sleep is not such an easy thing. If someone during the day is in a group that argues, and families, there are such groups, they argue there, in some corporations they argue, these arguments fly around his head. When he still has poor mind control, everything flies around his head and it gets so chaotic. As he lies down, along with this chaos he goes to this lower pole to rest and wakes up mostly tired. Here, here just any herbs won’t help. Herbs are worth looking into. There are herbs on the Internet like passion flower, valerian root, lemon balm, hops cones, you can make yourself some mixtures, but I do not mean to charm anyone here. If someone lives during the day, unworthily destroys himself, as a gift from the Laws of Life, he will not get a peaceful sleep. You have to earn a peaceful sleep, because it is rest, and when you rest, then you have the energy to think and to create your reality.

We are supposed to be adults, we are supposed to create the reality around ourselves, don’t count on some Jesus, Buddha or Krishna to help us. Besides, they don’t exist, it’s all fiction. No government, no priests will help us, they can help us, but only degrade ourselves.
            And here the most important thing is, I remind you, building groups.
 Building groups is something natural. People try to build groups: a group of football fans, a group of some musicians, a group that collects stamps, anglers, a group of runners, there are various groups, but if there is not upper pole glue, these groups are weak and they quarrel. We JSM, are the only ones on this plane to give the knowledge of how to build a group, this is a lot of knowledge. How to use the Laws of Life and how to line up to these life waves.
            To position yourself well to the waves of life, in addition to such general knowledge, you still need to be in touch with the higher centers, which give intuitions when to withdraw, when to act. An example here, when this coronavirus started, I withdrew for 3 months, even deleted my own profile. I told Miłar to delete everything related to me from the Nysa portal, such a maneuver I did. I had such an intuition and knew that the moment would come, I just waited until it finally came and I went into action. Also at the moment we are over. This is the second film after the unfreezing of the JSM economy, so I invite you to join me. Alone you perish, alone, then you can only row so as not to drown, but no one alone will make any progress to the top, that’s how these Laws of Life are set up, only groups count. That’s why this Freemasonry, to destroy here, they also organize themselves into some groups all the time and plot all the time. If we want to have a better quality of life, there must also be a group, because only in a group can something be achieved, the group is the beginning and end of everything, also I invite you to work together.

If anyone would like to talk to us, Miłar (Tel. 796 785 683) will tell you on what terms you can meet with us. So that someone doesn’t accidentally go crazy here and without an invitation, so that he doesn’t come here, because once in a while someone comes here and wants to meet with us. I have said many times, the first thing you do is call to make an appointment, we are not a city lavatory, a toilet, that someone has a push on the bladder wants and comes. Everything must be according to the rules that I have established here, this is my game. If someone wants to participate, I invite them and no spontaneity, everything has to be thought out, planned and that’s how we operate. All those who plan, have good plans, logical, then their goals are achieved.
 I will still show you such a picture myself I am surprised and impressed. You can see that my power plants have been working very well lately, and this is due to the fact that there is a group and we here do not have any disputes, we act together and have more of this energy to live. Three days after the 60 km run, where I got quite worn out, after 3 days I did a 15 km test and ran in one hour 4 minutes, until I surprised myself. In one hour 10 minutes to run it is already necessary to push hard, this is such an average speed of 4:15, 4:20 minutes per kilometer in this range you need to run to finish with such a time.
 Also, there are many different secret energies hidden in our body, only you need to take care of the power plants, you need to cleanse, provide adequate fuel and do not allow damage. Life is a struggle to run 15 km in one hour 4 minutes, just like that, without any major preparation. It was training, and I didn’t even know that it would go so well for me, it’s a big mental pleasure. I, at that moment as I ran here, felt such a little magical trance and even suffered little, but you have to earn it.

Someone would say Sanjaya, he has so much time, he has nothing to do. I listened to such bullshit. Because I worked out time for myself, organized a group, then I have time for myself, and those who live in chaos, they have no time. Who doesn’t have time? Slave. We, it’s all of us who have so much time, and we wonder whether to use it that worthy or that worthy.

When it comes to our 4 power plants, we are actually one big power plant that has 4 components, and only when all these power plants work well, then there is a high quality of life energy. It is enough for any component, for example, a nuclear power plant to work badly and already this, the quality of life is weaker, already health starts to spoil already these ideas, already this creation is less. Also, let’s make sure that all our power plants work, because then there is a common energy, or synergy.

When it comes to this first energy from above, that is, solars, some effort we do not have to do. It is enough just to have no sunglasses, preferably no sunglasses at all, a little exposure of the body to the sun and already the solars work. The biggest problem is with the wind power plant, that is, with the lungs, such walking or sitting, this power plant works at a very low level. It is necessary to regularly once in a while, preferably this time should be relatively short, that is, once a day to force our lungs to work intensively then they get to work.

As for our hydro-coal power plant, first of all, the guts need to be cleaned, because if someone has this power plant swamped with old crap, this power plant works poorly. This is where the secret is that if someone doesn’t have all these power plants working well, and suppose they eat the best vegan stuff, and it turns out that they don’t have the power for much, yet gets cancer. That is, with other power plants is bad, and here the worst is the nuclear power plant, because they are regularly damaged here. Also, let’s take care of our power plants.
That’s it for today thank you for your attention until we hear from you, regards Sanjaya.

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