How to achieve Happiness? What are rhe Sprouts of Life?

Hello, this is Sanjaya from the Bright Side of the Force!

Today’s topic will be: „Happiness, or more precisely – the Five Shoots of Life,” because it is interrelated.

Those who pursue happiness in a mechanical way always achieve unhappiness. Sometimes I asked the question: „What is your goal in life?”. Someone answered: „I want to be happy!”. This is no goal …

There are Five Shoots of Life. This goes for the worm, the mourner, the murderer, the satanist, the mystic and each of us, these are the Shoots of Life. The first, basic Shoot, is the pursuit of happiness, and this is automatic. You don’t have to make any effort to pursue happiness. The problem is, how do we see this happiness? Depending on what level we are at, such happiness „spins” us, as they say.

To achieve happiness, there are still four Shoots, four conditions necessary to have it. To achieve happiness, only desire is not enough, because Shoot is that desire, it is that force that pushes.

In second place is the rush for Knowledge. To achieve something, firstly must have knowledge, but that is not all. Knowledge alone is not enough either. Just like in these schools they teach knowledge and it’s still such a low quality. Knowledge is not enough. Even if someone has good knowledge, it alone is not enough. One still has to have Power, that is, the power of implementation. You can know how to build a house, but you still need the power to do it, that is, for example, finances and muscle power. Then only that gives power.

With us here in the JSM Family, this is the group that gives power.

We here give videos and this is knowledge, and power is already joined together in action.

This is, of course, even more complicated, although actually simple.


Another very important point is Freedom. If we pursue happiness, we are to make a free choice. All those who are in the JSM and act for the JSM are the ones who chose this. Everyone wants to be happy, that’s why we in the Bright Side of the Force act. Actually we do it for ourselves, but we act for the group at the same time, because the group gives us Power. Each individual also acts for himself to be happy. This is natural and there is nothing wrong with it. Everyone here is self-interested. There is no such thing as selflessness.


„Graveyarders”, i.e. low-level people, do not choose through free choice. This choice is imposed on them. The system imposes it on them, for example, that meat is cool. They are told that it is a complete protein, that it gives them strength, and that it gives them power. Sex is advertised, so that supposedly sex will give happiness. Meanwhile, sex is a kind of perversion and degeneration, because the reproductive organs should be used for giving birth, not for entertainment. Slaves have no will. Most people are total slaves and they do not choose. Mass-media imposes certain patterns on them, and they just reproduce it. It is made so that it seems to them that they have chosen, suppose religion, that they have chosen to have sex, that they have chosen to get drunk with alcohol or to take some kind of poison.


The last rush is the Rush of Beauty. In order to achieve happiness, this happiness has to be beautiful, therefore, in order to achieve happiness, true happiness that is, the upper-pole happiness, (because there is still a lower-pole happiness) there has to be an element of beauty.

In the old days, women walked beautifully dressed: hats, dresses. They behaved nicely and with dignity. And at the moment how do they walk? They show their asses, have shorts and leggings. Knits of some kind. Hair in such colors, where this is not found in nature! That is to say, this is ugliness!

Let’s take this unfortunate sex still. There is supposed to be an element of beauty, so that it forms a whole, and the most important thing is holistic knowledge. What is being propagated here at the moment by the System and by the state apparatus, namely pornography, is related to sex. This so-called „oral love” is porn and it is the bottom.


The reproductive organs are low and licking them for themselves, i.e. blowjobs and mince pies, is porn. Young people have been dumbed down and misinformed. If they knew that these are porn, that these are the lower forces of nature… supposedly it’s natural, but it’s so that it drags them down, because it’s the devil, then they wouldn’t let themselves get into it.

There are negative consequences for lower-pole pleasures, that is, for the pursuit of lower-pole happiness (and sex is such lower-pole happiness). It is ugly, pornography is hideous, ugly! We should not brag about our reproductive organs to anyone, because there is nothing to brag about.

The most important thing is the face and to have a dignified outfit, so that there is a nice mood. Lower-polar happiness has it that for a while you can rejoice, and then there are terrible sorrows, and upper-polar happiness you have to choose by your own choice. It takes knowledge and power. Such an important element I will interject here with this Pendulum of Life – this is secret knowledge: first there are worthy efforts, and efforts always involve some unpleasantness in order to feel better later.


In the case of „Graveyarders”, the opposite is true. What does this System teach them? Quick pleasure, debits, and then? Then depressions, illnesses, sorrows and bankruptcy. If we want to truly achieve happiness, we must follow reason. „Graveyarders” or dark-minded people, what are they talking about? They don’t talk about reason, instead they talk about love. We all aspire to such pleasant emotional states, and this is natural, but without wits, we reaches the bottom! Religions specialize here in talking about love. The belief that there is someone up there in heaven, some Jesus, who will get us a nice life. Just look at this main Christian symbol (a corpse dripping with blood).

As I said: Five Shoots of Life , it should be beautiful!

And what does it look like with them? Gallows with a puppet stylized as a massacred human body, it looks hideous! It should be known that this leads to misery, and it works in such a way that when someone looks at it, and we live in the Logos, in the world of the mind, when someone looks at it they upload to themselves just such a thing: that is, a massacred human body, with which they are programmed for a massacred life.


So, I encourage you to create your life and not to live in a dull, mechanical way, because then you always end up at the bottom, because that’s how these Laws of Life, that’s how this Logos works, that he just encourages us to learn, to self-educate.


That’s it for today, thank you for your attention and we’ll hear from you, see you later.

Greetings, Sanjaya, and I wish everyone happiness. Only you have to fight for your happiness, because life is a struggle!

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