Hello, this is Sanjaya JSM. Today’s topic will be: „Logos is the Spirit of the world in which we live”. Logos has always been and always will be, no one created it, it is indestructible.
Not so long ago, people had knowledge of the Logos and it united them. Then there was a great reset. Knowledge of the Logos was removed and religions and political parties were created, which began to divide people.
More parties, more religions, more divisions, more quarrels, more wars.
There is no such thing as God the Father, old man who created the world. Religions present such fairy tales to fool and divide people.
Take this Catholic Trinity: Father, Son and Spirit – three guys, that’s gender.
The Spirit, that’s the Logos. See, the Logos, the Spirit has been moved to third place. Everything here is Logos, and this Logos is divided into three forces: the masculine force, the feminine force and the neuter force. These are the three forces of nature. This is what life is made up of. Now I will quickly discuss these basic seven laws of Logos.
Logos is not some religious teaching that you have to believe in. All we have to do is look around and we will see that these laws work.
And knowing these laws enables us to manipulate these laws so that we have a better, quality of life.
The first law: everything is mental, everything is unity. Logos must be in unity, otherwise it would fall apart. The easiest way to remember these seven laws of logos is to relate them to our body, that is, the head here ( Sanjaya points to the head with his hand).
This is the law of mentalism. Everything is mental, and since everything is bipolar, on the one hand this whole world, the universe , is mental, and at the lower pole is material. Since we live low on the scale of life, here there is a lot of matter, a lot of heavy matter, and little here is Spirit, which is why here such hideous things pass so easily.
The second law of Logos is: The Law of Correspondence, which means that all laws are compatible with each other.
The Law of Correspondence also has two poles, one of correspondence and the other of incorrespondence, because here (in this world) there are quarrels, but these quarrels also take place according to the Laws of Logos. Everything here happens according to the Laws, because there is a connecting energy, which is the energy of conformity, and the one that separates-it is the energy of incompatibility. The synergy that builds and destroys, all laws are mental.
The third law is the Law of Vibration. This can be equated with the throat. Everything is in motion, everything flows.
In the upper pole there are very high frequencies, very high vibration, and at this lower, absolute pole, this vibration almost, it disappears and there is no movement. But in the upper pole, the movement does not disappear, because life is movement.
The fourth law is the area of the heart, you can compare it like this, this is the Law of Polarity.
So that these waves of life can flow, they flow from one pole to the other. Everything has its two sides of the coin. As there is good, there must also be evil. As there is day, there must be night, it is impossible to eliminate night, it is impossible to eliminate evil. This is how it must be. It is Christianity that promises to eliminate Satan.
The battery has two clamps-plus and minus.
From this law comes such a universal „law of balance.” Everything strives for balance. This is very important.
Even atheists know this.
If we have a great deal of physical activity, then we need rest afterwards. Darkness is for rest, light is for activity.
The fifth law, the law of rhythm. Here there are cycles-smaller cycles, bigger cycles. Those who are musicians understand it well: cyclicity, tactility. In life, you have to be tactful, get into tact.
Life has such waves.
The point is to stay on the wave, not to be dragged into the abyss into the lower pole of life.
Life is movement, life is struggle.
The fifth law of Rhythm is related to the pendulum.
Those who know the principles of the Pendulum of Life already understand a lot. He can manipulate his life. If we want pleasure, because our main goal is happiness, it is necessary to earn pleasure first, and then we automatically get this pleasure.
Most people do the opposite, they reach out for pleasure, such as sex, drugs and other poisons. He momentarily gets a lot of pleasure, and then those pendulum goes negative to balance it out. Then such people wonder, why is it so bad for them? People who meditate, that is, focus on these negative things-as for example, on their ass, because they are all about sex-then they get angry, they feed hatred, because they live in these negative emotions and watch negative movies. After that, these pendulum automatically pulls them down.
For example, that Christian symbol with that corpse on the gallows (Jesus on the cross). Focusing one’s attention on this symbol pulls one down.
Another law is the Law of Cause and Effect.
This is the law of action and reaction. It means that everything has a cause, everything has an effect. It can be compared to the stomach. What we eat, so we have. It’s not like something comes from nothing. There is such a long chain of cause and effect.
In Hinduism they call this the law of karma. With Hindus, there is not much left of the Logos.
Also, we have to be very careful what actions we do, because then we get such reactions. For negative actions then there are negative reactions, and it’s not like it’s some Jesus who suffered for us and we don’t get negative reactions.
Everyone gets what they have earned.
And the seventh law is the Law of Gender.
This is the law of birth. Two energies as they come together – male and female – something has to come out of it, something has to be born out of it. If something worthy is not born from it, then something negative must be born from it. For example, the reproductive organs are used to transmit life, and sex is such a thing that you use the reproductive organs, but you want to avoid the consequences, and that’s why there is this contraception, and that’s how demons are born. Nature can’t be fooled. At the upper end, the law of kind is that you have to give birth to things that are worthy, and at the lower end, demons are born. They are unworthy or infertile things, and what is not fertile creates chaos. All this Logos in the upper pole, this is cosmos, order, order. In the lower pole, it is chaos.
All three energies are necessary for life. Connective energy, sustaining energy and destructive, destructive energy-they always occur together, just in different proportions. That’s it in such a nutshell. I once saw such a personal trainer discussing Logos, and he himself recited these seven laws like a poem. He waved his hands and could perform and take part in a pantomime. The way he presented it, nothing comes out of it, in this way presented the Laws of Life, that is, these laws of Logos, will only work on people negatively, it’s so dry and lifeless.
I pass on the knowledge of how this Logos in life works. How can it be influenced? We are part of the Logos, we are such small Logos, alone in the great Logos. The Logos is everything in everything, and there is nothing beyond that here. The game goes on to build ourselves a better, quality of life.
Those who do not have knowledge and pursue happiness always achieve unhappiness, that is, this lower pole.
Even a hint of this knowledge of the Logos remains in the Fourth Gospel: „In the beginning was the Word.” Not the word, because they twisted it-in the beginning was the Logos, because the Logos was the beginning, the middle and the end. Greek philosophy began to twist this Logos.
One interpreted it this way, another interpreted it that way. Logos is the reason of the world, everything here is logical, everything here is rational. Even chaos is guided by the laws of Logos, only this is the lower pole. On the subject of Logos, I have created many lectures.
Everything here is logical, because everything is Logos. Logos does not require faith. The Logos does not vindicate that someone does not know about it or does not believe in it.
These are the Laws of Life that we can develop. Just as one develops the beds. In the same way Logos can be developed. Here the most important thing is holistic knowledge, there are smaller and larger wholes. The more we understand, the more we can connect, the better for us.
Believing that someone out there suffered for us and will arrange a better life for us, these are fairy tales, they are nonsense.
Merely believing in the Logos has not yet made anyone have a better life.
Here you have to act, you have to create, you have to be active, you have to win yourself a better quality of life.
Faith can only be good at the very beginning, to accept something, but to then act. If one has some knowledge and does not act, this knowledge breaks down.
Surely you have heard of sacred geometry? It comes from the Logos. You’ve heard about the world being fractal, because there are seven basic laws of the Logos in each part. The seven laws are the Law of Seven. The seven major colors, the seven days of the week, the seven major stars, the seven major chakras.
We live in a world of laws, if we want to talk about the truth, to know the truth, we must know the laws of Life, because the laws of Life are related to the laws of the Logos.
That’s it for today, thank you for your attention, see you, hear from you, greetings Sanjaya.
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